Digital Startup > Technology Delivery

Being a bootstrapped company ourselves, we love Startups for their passion and drive towards building innovative products to solve real world problems. Karmosis Digital Startup services mantra is - 'Empowering' startups at every stage and 'Delivering' lasting value. 

Digital Technology Partners

Technology Partners

Karmosis caters Startup IT services as technology partners and enable tech Startups transition from an idea (Seed Stage) through funding (Expansion Stage) to a successful product (Hyper Growth Stage). We help articulate how new technologies can better position your Startups Value Proposition for competitive advantage.

Stop worrying about the technology and spend more time on building your Startup. Karmosis handles design and development, end to end, for Startups. We deliver technology solutions taking a basic idea and developing it into a product making it a business.

Whether it is Web Design & Development, an Ecommerce Solution or a Mobile App Development, we will take care of all your development needs.

We leverage our unique agile delivery approach, tech talent & in-house product/software development to accelerate speed to market and strive to build innovative products for global Startups and be a part of their success story.

Got an IDEA?

GO LEAN. Let us create a Prototype or MVP (Minimum VIABLE = VALUABLE Product).

Digital Innovation by Design

Innovation by Design

Innovation occurs by design, and not by mistake. In today's business environment, companies need to continually reinvent themselves. Innovation is a crucial element in the value creation process.

Design thinking minimizes the uncertainty & risk of innovation by engaging customers or users through a series of prototypes to learn, test and refine concepts. Design thinking requires a growth mind-set, because in essence it is a journey of learning and experimentation.

Karmosis shapes and morphs MVP into a marketable product with the right user experience and feature set.

IT Innovation is not always about applying leading-edge technology to a problem. Often it means finding the sweet spot between technology, process & customers in order to deliver lasting value. Most innovation is incremental. It comes from identifying where IT can make a difference & placing small bets and executing effectively. Our focus is not just MVP but finding a way to achieve scalability and framing everything in the context for the long term.

Karmosis helps realize your vision as you wanted it to be, but also builds a sense of mutual trust and cooperation.

Digital Outsourcing and Offshoring


Karmosis delivery speeds up the product innovation process and creates a smooth transition from discovery to solution delivery. Karmosis specializes in emerging technologies (VR/AR, Blockchain and AI) and will provide delivery & advisory services to prepare for your Startups digital journey in a cloud-first world.

In order for MVPs to evolve in mature and successful products, feature change requests usually follow after the first prototypes are developed, based on customers feedback and other features included in the product roadmap. Our extended offshore team will help integrate your business strategy with execution to grow and improve your application after launch, or integrate it with other systems if needed. 

Karmosis can either augment your existing IT development team with technology solution architects and developers or take full responsibility for the product development lifecycle, from initial requirements analysis, technical architecture, project management,  prototyping, mock-ups, MVPs, product demos, UX design, infrastructure support, documentation, testing, release management, product deployment & ongoing support.