The Startup Catalyst

Karmosis has a vision to catalyze the Startup ecosystem by creating a concept hotspot for Innovators and Creators, leveraging Emerging Technologies and by providing a hi-tech, hi-energy infrasetting.

Startup Mentorship


Karmosis support's early-stage, growth-driven Startups by accelerating the life cycle of young innovative companies through education, mentorship and financing.

Startups will have regular access to our extensive community network of business and technology consultants.

Learn the art of the Product-Market fit process — Build Product. Win Customers. Validate Market. Pivot.

Be part of a support system where you can learn from the mistakes of others before you make them yourself.

Startup Execution


Karmosis helps shape your idea through continuous learning & feedback process, and through pivots to arrive at the birth of a Startup.

We help transform your prototype and product vision into a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) measuring value with Product-Market validation (Viable = Valuable).

Being part of something larger helps get your Startup off the ground more quickly and smoothly. Karmosis is that bridge to make the big step from idea to execution.

We challenge and help further define your Startups vision, strategy and roadmap.

Startup Resources


Karmosis has established a community offering collaborative networks and a culture that fosters innovation, promotes learning & nurtures a strong sense of belonging.

We understand that personal and professional success is fuelled not only by your imagination and drive, but also by a structured and focused environment & culture.

Karmosis offers tangible resources such as technology infrastructure, emerging technologies, professional services, capital & business administrative support, so that your Startup team can focus on what matters most – The Core Business.

The Startup Funding

Our Mentorship, Knowledge and Capital wires Startups to scale and differentiate in the market.
Startup Funding

Karmosis Capital

Karmosis partners throughout your journey from inception to execution including funding capital to help develop your startup financially, strategically & intellectually. By co-investing a percentage either in value, fees, or effort, Karmosis boots early-stage Startups to get off the ground leveraging best technology & talent. Speed of execution matters.