
#CodeX: The Future of Brewing —> Robotic Barista’s and AI by Ajit Minhas

In the heart of Tokyo, Japan, I recently experienced a unique coffee experience — a barista run by a robot. Henn na Café (Strange Café) in Tokyo, Japan, has established a fully automated production line, using a robot named Sawyer to serve freshly-brewed filter coffee and espresso-based drinks.

This sparked my curiosity about the evolving relationship between technology and the beloved ritual of coffee consumption.

From Tokyo to global coffee capitals, the integration of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of coffee retail, promising not just efficiency but an entirely novel experience for coffee aficionados.

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#CodeX: From Solo Senses to Super Senses: Multimodal AI —> Meet The NexGen AI by Ajit Minhas

Shaping the Future, One Algorithm at a Time

Imagine perceiving the world through only one of your senses, or worse, a fraction of one sense—static images without action or spoken words without music. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) excels at recognizing language or imagery in isolation, there's still a significant gap when it comes to combining these interpretations or integrating action sequences.

The key to true intelligence lies in reasoning across different sensory inputs. To improve AI's capabilities and usher in new applications like visual question answering, image captioning, visual dialogue, and virtual assistants, we need to bridge the gap between different modes of data interpretation.

Enter Multimodal AI … The Next Generative AI Frontier.

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#CodeX: The Power of Creative Destruction by Ajit Minhas

‘Uncertainty’ is inherent in the nature of Innovation.

But it's important to understand that innovation doesn't necessarily mean inventing something entirely new. Instead, it's about Creative Destruction, that truly unleashes the power of an organization by focusing on continuous improvement in all aspects of the business.

Innovation is a never-ending cycle, and product market-fit is constantly evolving. To stay ahead, organizations need to keep rethinking, refining and redefining their solutions.

CREATIVE DESTRUCTION is front and center to the true innovators culture. It’s the mechanism by which innovations continually displace existing technologies and ways of doing things (... get the job done). New organizations, new products and new jobs continuously replace obsoleted ones ... the new destroys the old.

AI Development is the emerging phenomenon of the current Innovation Cycle.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is on the cusp of creating autonomous, self-sustaining digital enterprises that can interact with humans seamlessly. The use cases for AI are vast, from business and consumer applications to customer relationship management, digital health, financial info systems and automated software engineering.

AI presents a momentous opportunity for humanity … IF employed intelligently.

“This is a moment of choice and opportunity. It could be the best 10 years ahead of us that we have ever had in human history or one of the worst, because we have more power than we have ever had before.” — Erik Brynjolfsson, MIT

As AI technology continues to develop, evolve and penetrate into many aspects of our lives, the opportunities are endless. But at the same time, these developments raise important policy, regulatory, and ethical issues, that need to be better understood and addressed due to the major implications it will have on the humanity as a whole.

In 2011, Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “Software is eating the World”. But now:

AI is eating the Software ( … as AI is increasingly powering the Software we use)

In conclusion, Creative Destruction is essential for businesses to stay ahead of the competition and is critical to the capitalist economy. While there are risks associated with innovation, businesses must engage in a continuous cycle of discovery, validation, development, registration, and commercialization to create and deliver value.

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#CodeX: The Generative AI War by Ajit Minhas

... ChatBot DISRUPTS Search !? Is this THE INNOVATOR’s DILEMMA Moment !?

BigTech has been dangling for a platform shift for almost over a decade now as Mobile, Social and Cloud have settled in. What’s NXT? Of course it has to be huge that has a great upside potential .... and even bigger if it can be layered over the legacy of Mobile, Social and Cloud leading to a wild and wider adoption.

ALPHABET is an AI FIRST company masked as a search engine and will most likely be one of the largest beneficiaries of this AI tidal wave. Short-term, everything stands and falls on Search. But Long-term, it's Cloud offerings, Data farms and AI capabilities offer opportunities that will get the flywheel effect build momentum until a point of breakthrough, and beyond.

Generative AI is still very early. The platform layer is just getting good, and the applications space has barely got off the ground. Generative AI is here to stay and just like ‘mobile’, has the potential to transform the way we live, work and play.

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