
#CodeX: AI Solutionism by Ajit Minhas

"Technology alone is not enough — it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the results that make our heart sing.” — Steve Jobs

This quote by Steve Jobs underscores the need for a balance between technology and the human element.

The statement "Just Google It !" has become a common phrase, suggesting that searching the internet can answer most questions. Similarly, with the growing popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI), some wonder if "Ask ChatGPT" is the new rebranding of search? While there is no doubt that AI will bring solutions to enhance human intelligence, the explosion of AI information is overwhelming.

Many experts predict AI will have a major impact on jobs, similar to the industrial revolution. Is this hype around AI real, and will it define the fate of the tech industry over the next 5-10 years?

AI is a new breed of computing that has super-human capabilities, but it is still unpredictable and mysterious. We are only at the beginning of this journey, and we have a long way to go to fully unravel the future of computing.

SOLUTIONISM —> Evgeny Morozov coined the term "Solutionism", which refers to the belief that all difficulties have benign solutions, often of a technocratic nature (sometimes before a problem has been identified). Solutionism is the mistaken belief that technology can solve all of mankind's problems by reducing their core issues to simpler engineering problems.

However, Solutionism is flawed because it disregards or downplays critical information, often about context. To solve problems, you need to understand your customers and study their needs (“Jobs to Be Done”).

Now, Solutionism is part of the current Artificial Intelligence hype cycle.

While new AI products will significantly impact how we work, socialize, and play, we are drowning in a sea of hyperbole. AI has become a marketing term, and some companies exaggerate what their AI products can do, leading to concerns from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). With the noise around AI getting progressively louder, FTC has warned (Feb 27, 2023): KEEP YOUR AI CLAIMS IN CHECK.

Ultimately, AI is a tool, not a solution for everything. It's something that can be used (or abused).

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