#CodeX: Customer Experience Matters [GO DIGITAL…BEING HUMAN!!!] / by Ajit Minhas


"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." ~ Albert Einstein

Fourth Industrial Revolution is making a huge impact on Human mankind — Digital Transformation.

As Digitization cuts through diverse global markets, to stay relevant in this competitive landscape, businesses not only need to differentiate themselves to stand out but also for their survival. The single most Strategy that will win:

Consistently Innovate & Deliver remarkable Customer EXperiences.

[CX] Customer Experience = Customer Goals Success + Ease of doing Business + Interaction Emotional Outcome

CUSTOMER FIRST vision can only be executed by having a clear business purpose & empowering employees with autonomy to go beyond the status quo and pushing limits.

The art of cultivating delightful customers & delivering remarkable customer experiences is grounded on 3 pillars: 

  1. Innovation → to relearn & reinvent (continuous feedback) to serve customers in the best way possible;

  2. Communication → to develop personal, deeper, trustworthy & emotional connections with your customers;

  3.  Education → to empower people & create great organization culture;

EMPloyees + CUSTomers are fundamental blocks to Innovate & Deliver experiences. Do NOT underestimate their magical power.

Engaged employees create delightful customer experiences & develop loyal customers pulling strong financial results.

The ultimate storytelling travels via word of mouth. Delivering positive customer experiences will develop credibility & trust both online and offline in-turn driving  loyalty, increased revenue & maximizing profitability.

It’s time to re-imagine & re-invent the next generation of Customer Experience pivoting the business model from vision into reality powered by Digital.