What gets you out of bed in the morning? Having a sense of PURPOSE (ikigai).
Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us, unplayed. — Oliver Wendell Holmes
Why have a Purpose in Life?
It’s not enough to have lived. Don’t live to stay alive, but find something to live for.
Ask yourself: What I want (love) to be? What are my values? What are my strengths? What change would I most love to create in the world (...for the better)?
Find your reason for being & live your life’s purpose
I’ve concluded that the metric by which my life will be assessed isn’t wealth but the individual people whose lives I’ve touched. — Clayton M. Christensen
Amidst the multi-layered pressures of our modern world, it’s not an easy path to peel back the layers and discover why we are here and what we are really supposed to be doing? It is multi-dimensional and can be complex requiring expansive, multi-dimensional thinking and action.
Having a purpose is better than being purposeless, even if it’s not right the first time. You and your purpose will evolve as you grow.
A purposeless life is just like sailing off without a rudder and get buffeted in the rough seas of life.
The influential management thinker Clayton M. Christensen suggests you answer these 3 questions to guide your life’s decisions that in-turn also helps to discover your purpose:
→ First, how can I be sure that I’ll be happy in my Career?
→ Second, how can I be sure that my Relationships (with my spouse, my family & my friends) become an enduring source of happiness?
→ Third, how can I be sure I’ll stay out of jail (...live a life of Integrity)?