#CodeX: Post COVID-19 ReBooT — Are You Ready? / by Ajit Minhas

Post COVID-19 ReBooT

Once the Countries/Regions are over the hump of the current COVID-19 wave and flattened the curve, it’s time to get back to normal but REFACTORED (…until vaccine is ready) way of life.

Restart Economy -> Post-COVID Plan for Action:

  1. Mobilize Healthcare Resources → Governments & Healthcare Authorities  need to ensure that they have the resources (Hospital Beds, ICUs, Ventilators, Personal Protection Equipment in sufficient supply) & personnel capacity and readiness to deal with Post-COVID (Wave 1) flattened state and to support second wave eruption.

  2. Mature COVID-19 Testing Capability → Establish, standardize and industrialize RAPID COVID-19 Testing Capability & Kits for community use for virus and antibodies detection. Detection of antibodies to be leveraged for clinical purposes, surveillance & enforcement.

  3. Practice Physical Distancing → Physical Distancing in physical social space is the norm. Workplaces encourage remote working where feasible to manage density or establish Physical Distancing Best Practices at work centers.

  4. 911 Senior CarePrioritize top of the line response, care and resources for the treatment & subsequent recovery for the seniors or anyone who is at a high-risk to get infected.

  5. Class COVID-19 ID → Certification Process and Identification for the ones who either do not have infection or have recovered from the virus and have antibodies for CoronaVirus immunity. This Time-Boxed ID with an expiry date (& with renewal option) is the gateway to Work in public places and for socially interactive mediums like Restaurants, Airlines, Grocery Stores and Shopping Malls.

…this is just intermission…The Show Must Go On!