
#CodeX: JTBD (Jobs To Be Done) Framework → Disrupting Experiences By Design by Ajit Minhas

#Products, #Experiences, and #Processes are a critical part of an organization’s unspoken culture. Designing and building products requires an incredible deep understanding of the user, their needs, and their motivations.

Great products start with real problems. People buy products and services to get a “job” done. The key to success is understanding the real job customers are using your product for. Thus it’s very crucial to understand the underlying job (task) a consumer is trying to accomplish.

"People don't simply buy products or services, they 'hire' them to make progress in specific circumstances." ~ Clay Christensen

You’ve got to start with the Customer Experience – to get the job done!

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#CodeX: Designing The Matrix → Augmented Reality by Ajit Minhas

The digital age has changed the way we communicate and behave. Digitization touches every area of our culture, from ordering a meal, interfacing with our workforce and customers, and to getting a ride to the airport. Digitization has its place in every interaction of ours.

“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology.” ~ Steve Jobs

Augmented Reality is the next big thing. AR is catalyzing a new information-delivery paradigm, which will have a profound impact on how data is structured, managed, and delivered through varied mediums over the cloud. This hyper-connectivity tool is key to creating next-generation extended experiences.

This blog will take you through 14 Augmented Reality Design Principles to apply when designing layers onto the real world.

The possibilities of enhancing your customers’ experience with augmented reality are endless. Get ready for a big leap — Future is NOW!

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