#CodeX: Tulipmania ... Is #Crypto tulip mania 2.0? by Ajit Minhas

“You know, people talk about this being an uncertain time. You know, all time is uncertain. I mean, it was uncertain back in – in 2007, we just didn’t know it was uncertain. It was – uncertain on September 10th, 2001. It was uncertain on October 18th, 1987. You just didn’t know it.” — Warren Buffett

As a result of market cycles, Stock Market crashes and downtrends are an inherent risk of investing.

The Dutch Tulip Bulb Market Bubble, also known as tulipmania, was one of the most famous market bubbles and crashes of all time. It occurred in Holland during the early to mid-1600s, when speculation drove the value of tulip bulbs to extremes.

The classic word for these kinds of phenomena is BUBBLE ... and ... The Bubble Bursts !

“Oct. 19, 1987 (also famously referred as BLACK MONDAY), marks the largest one-day stock market decline in history. This day Dow fell by 22.6% in a single trading session. To put that into context, a drop of that magnitude would be a nearly 7,000-point slide based on the Dow’s current levels. In 1987, that was about a 508-point drop. Black Monday prompted the development of “trading curbs” aimed to reduce market volatility – rules that allow regulators to halt trading, including electronic trading, in the event of extreme pricing swings.”

Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds often leads to Stock Market BOOMS and BUSTS ... followed by a "LIFEBOAT OPERATION".

Today, the story of Tulipmania serves as a parable for the pitfalls that excessive greed & speculation in investing can lead to.

But here's the good news —> History is not the market's friend in the near term, but it's a big-time ally of long-term investors.

Despite all the stock market crashes and corrections, if you invested $100 in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 1926, you would have about $1,112,195.58 at the end of 2022, assuming you reinvested all dividends. This is a return on investment of 1,112,095.58%, or 10.08% per year (excluding fees and taxes).

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#CodeX: The Generative AI War by Ajit Minhas

... ChatBot DISRUPTS Search !? Is this THE INNOVATOR’s DILEMMA Moment !?

BigTech has been dangling for a platform shift for almost over a decade now as Mobile, Social and Cloud have settled in. What’s NXT? Of course it has to be huge that has a great upside potential .... and even bigger if it can be layered over the legacy of Mobile, Social and Cloud leading to a wild and wider adoption.

ALPHABET is an AI FIRST company masked as a search engine and will most likely be one of the largest beneficiaries of this AI tidal wave. Short-term, everything stands and falls on Search. But Long-term, it's Cloud offerings, Data farms and AI capabilities offer opportunities that will get the flywheel effect build momentum until a point of breakthrough, and beyond.

Generative AI is still very early. The platform layer is just getting good, and the applications space has barely got off the ground. Generative AI is here to stay and just like ‘mobile’, has the potential to transform the way we live, work and play.

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#CodeX: What LEGO can teach us about Life & Business? by Ajit Minhas

SUCK IT UP: To endure a period of mental, physical, or emotional hardship with no complaining. “I don’t care if you’re sad or stuck, get out there, suck it up and deal with it!”.

We live in times of increasing divides, selfish concerns, and individualistic pursuits of power. Think about the last time some person told you to “Suck It Up”. How did it make you feel? Dismissed by someone? Ignored? Pushed aside? Not heard?


As humans, we all want to be heard and understood. A common humanitarian purpose is to à Become a best version of yourself … self-actualization. Self-actualization is not about the destination … it’s about the journey. And that journey (…of self-esteem full of wonderful possibilities) can only be realized constructively by GEMEINSCHAFTSGEFÜHL (community feeling and social connectedness) + A Growth Mindset — building brick by brick.

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#CodeX: Generative AI – Beyond the hype by Ajit Minhas

Artificial Intelligence will be the next technology platform shift — following cloud, social, and mobile, with Generative AI leading the rapid charge.

Generative Al is a subset of Machine Learning (ML) and refers to technology that can take human inputs and create completely new content (text, videos, code, images … ). It has the potential to present an exciting horizon of new ways computers can help people get things done and transform user experiences drastically.

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#CodeX: Optimism Bias — The dark side of looking at the bright side by Ajit Minhas


Research consistently supports that most of the population (approx. 80%) exhibit an Optimistic Bias.

Being an optimistic does not mean everything will be flawless and awesome. It means there are going to be failures and setbacks, but those are what inspires people to find and innovate an enhanced, alternate or a new solution.

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#CodeX: OKR’s (Objectives and Key Results) by Ajit Minhas

“If the heart doesn't find a perfect rhyme with the head, then your passion means nothing.

The OKR framework cultivates the madness, the chemistry contained inside. It gives us an environment for risk, for trust, where falling is not a fireable offense- you know, a safe place to be yourself.

And when you have that sort of structure and environment, and the right people, magic is around the corner.”

― John Doerr

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#CodeX: JTBD (Jobs To Be Done) Framework → Disrupting Experiences By Design by Ajit Minhas

#Products, #Experiences, and #Processes are a critical part of an organization’s unspoken culture. Designing and building products requires an incredible deep understanding of the user, their needs, and their motivations.

Great products start with real problems. People buy products and services to get a “job” done. The key to success is understanding the real job customers are using your product for. Thus it’s very crucial to understand the underlying job (task) a consumer is trying to accomplish.

"People don't simply buy products or services, they 'hire' them to make progress in specific circumstances." ~ Clay Christensen

You’ve got to start with the Customer Experience – to get the job done!

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#CodeX: Designing The Matrix → Augmented Reality by Ajit Minhas

The digital age has changed the way we communicate and behave. Digitization touches every area of our culture, from ordering a meal, interfacing with our workforce and customers, and to getting a ride to the airport. Digitization has its place in every interaction of ours.

“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology.” ~ Steve Jobs

Augmented Reality is the next big thing. AR is catalyzing a new information-delivery paradigm, which will have a profound impact on how data is structured, managed, and delivered through varied mediums over the cloud. This hyper-connectivity tool is key to creating next-generation extended experiences.

This blog will take you through 14 Augmented Reality Design Principles to apply when designing layers onto the real world.

The possibilities of enhancing your customers’ experience with augmented reality are endless. Get ready for a big leap — Future is NOW!

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#CodeX: KISS → Keep It Simple, Stupid. by Ajit Minhas

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” — Albert Einstein

Simplicity is one of the most deceptive concepts, because simplicity takes work, simplicity is far from simple.

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